Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We had a great day today!

We started off with Pumpkin Math and we estimated how many lines were on our pumpkins and what their circumference was. 

After counting and measuring, we moved on to Pumpkin Science and we inquired whether a pumpkin would float or sink in water. Most of us were amazed to discover that a pumpkin floats! We cut open our pumpkin and, after observing its insides, discussed our theories as to why this would happen. It was a lot of fun! 

After recess we did Pumpkin Writing and we used our three senses (sight, touch, and smell) to explore the inside and outside of our pumpkin before creating some pretty fantastic similes: "My pumpkin is as bumpy as a road", "my pumpkin is as cold as a snow day", "my pumpkin is as heavy as bricks", "my pumpkin is as squishy as seaweed", " my pumpkin is as gooey as slime", among many others!

We finished the day with our Costume Parade (everyone looked great!), a school-wide Monster Mash, and Halloween Centres! 

It was such an exciting and fun day that I kept forgetting to take pictures, but here are a few:

Have a safe and fun evening! Don't forget, Pyjama Day is tomorrow!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Themed Sharing for next week

Our sharing theme next week is Reading. The students have been asked to read a short book to the class. It can be a book from home or a home reading book. As I understand some students may feel nervous about showcasing their reading skills to their peers, another option is for students to bring in a favourite book and to re-tell the main events of the story.

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Classroom update

I hope everyone's long weekend is off to a great start! We had a great time at the Harvest Luncheon today. Thank you to everyone for sending in such delightful healthy snacks for the students to share with their classmates and classroom neighbours. A few updates:

1. As it is a short week and we have some catching up to do, there will be no Themed Sharing next week, unless a student who forgot their sharing (10 to 20 objects to count up to and back from) this week would like to bring something in.

2. Wednesday Oct. 16th is Card Making day. The students will be working on a card project in their multi-age groupings from 1-2pm. Please let me know if you would like to help out in the class. Volunteers will be appreciated (as always!)

3. Teachers will be meeting on Wednesday to review Guided Reading groups. We will be making sure that students are in appropriate groups and making any necessary changes.

4. On Thursday the 17th we will be visiting the Loutet Farm in the morning. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed from the weather.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Harvest Luncheon

On Friday, October 11th we will be having a Harvest luncheon in the open area. A notice went home with your child today. Please contact me if you have any questions. Parents are welcome to help or just come and have lunch with the class!

Themed Sharing for the Week of October 7th

Our theme this week is Math. The students have been asked to bring in a collection of 10 to 20 small objects. When it is their turn to share, they will count up to as many objects as they have brought, and then count back from there to zero. Please practice this skill at home so they are prepared to share on their day.

Thank you for all that you do!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Multicultural Lunch was a Success!

We had a great time sharing and enjoying food from various cultures. I was pleasantly surprised to see students sampling so many new dishes for the first time. What a great experience!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Gentle Reminder...

This is just a gentle reminder about attendance in the morning. As we begin Guided Reading first thing in the morning, it is very important that students are in their seats, ready to head to their groups, by the second bell which goes at 8:50. After 8:50, the attendance is sent to the office and the students move to their groups. A student will be marked as absent, or late, if they are arriving to class after 8:50. If a student is arriving late, please have them sign in at the office.

Thank you!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Multicultural Lunch

Dear Parents of Students in Grades 1-7

With the arrival of Fall and Thanksgiving on our minds, we would like to invite your child to participate in a celebration of sharing and belonging. With that in mind, we will be holding a MULTICULTURAL POTLUCK LUNCH on Wednesday, October 2. 

Each student is invited to bring a contribution of food for a potluck lunch. The dish could be a family favourite, a main dish, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, appetizer or dessert, and should be enough for approximately 8 servings. Please have your child help with the preparations if possible. 

When you are preparing, please keep the following in mind:

• NO NUTS, please (we have a few students with serious allergies)
• We will not be able to refrigerate or reheat dishes
• It would be most helpful if you could pre-cut / pre-portion your dish
• Please provide a serving utensil, if possible
• Please label the bottom of your dish (and serving utensil) with your child’s name 
• It would be lovely if you could provide a short description of your dish, the country of origin, and ingredients

Food may be brought to your child’s classroom on Wednesday morning. Lunch will begin earlier than usual to allow for students to share information about their dish, so please ensure that your contribution has arrived by 11:30 am. Students will enjoy the meal together from 11:40 - 12:20, and then go outside to play.

Each student should bring a plate, personal eating utensils and a drink.

Teachers are looking for assistance with set up, serving and clean up, so if you are available to help and have lunch, please talk to your child’s teacher.