Friday, March 28, 2014

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone has had a relaxing Spring Break!

As was mentioned in the letter that went home on the last day before Spring Break, we will be re-starting Themed Sharing during the week of Monday March 31st to April 4th. Your child can bring in an object or draw a picture based on something that they enjoyed doing during Spring Break. The sharing days will remain the same and we will start on Monday, March 31st.

Thank you for taking the time to come and celebrate your child’s accomplishments during the Parent Teacher Conferences. It was lovely meeting all of you! As was mentioned, I will be teaching the class for a few weeks after Spring Break and then Mrs. Katherine Lonneberg will be returning mid-April. We will be working together to ensure the smoothest transition possible for the students.

As we proceed into Term 3, these are the new topics that we will start covering this month:
Choosing Themes: Change and Spring
Language Arts: Poetry
Socials: Canadian Symbols 
Math: Numbers to 50 (Counting to 100)
PE: Gymnastics
DPA: Kilometre Club will be starting very soon!

*Please note: We have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays, so the students will be participating in the Gymnastics program from Monday, March 31st. 

Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!

Jeeniece Chand

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February Update

Dear Parents,

A couple of notes for the end of February:
  • Update Information Forms - The forms were handed out on February 26th and must be submitted to the office by Friday, March 7th, 2014. I have been collecting the forms that are in Homework Bags each morning; otherwise, you may hand them directly to the office.
  • Loutet Farm - Below you will see a few pictures from our visit to Loutet Farm earlier this month. We helped prepare the "beds" for plants that will be planted soon and also got to eat kale. You can view Division 12’s garlic plant! We will be watching the growth of the plant over the next few months.
  • Video Updates - Please click on this link as it has Division 12’s videos on friendship (and earlier videos on family if you didn't get a chance to see them in January). We have been discussing kindness and friendship this entire month as part of Health and Career. The students drew a picture on the iPads and recorded their voices (telling us how they would be a good friend based on little scenarios). Enjoy!
  • Parent Teacher Conference schedules should be posted by the school entrance soon. Division 12 will be doing student led conferences, so your child must be able to attend with you at the time that you select. I look forward to meeting all of you!
Thank you!